import bisect
def solution(operations):
answer = []
for operation in operations :
order, num = operation.split(' ')
if order == 'I' :
bisect.insort_left(answer, int(num))
elif answer :
if num == '-1' :
else :
return [answer[-1], answer[0]] if answer else [0, 0]
from collections import defaultdict
import bisect
def solution(tickets):
graph = defaultdict(list)
for v1, v2 in tickets :
bisect.insort_left(graph[v1], v2)
stack = ['ICN']
visited = []
while stack :
airport = stack[-1]
if graph[airport] :
else :
return visited[::-1]
from collections import Counter
def solution(begin, target, words):
if target not in words : return 0
visited = [begin]
que = [x for x in words if sum((Counter(begin)&Counter(x)).values()) == len(begin)-1]
t = 1
while que :
for _ in range(len(que)) :
child = que.pop(0)
if child == target : return t
if child not in visited :
que.extend([x for x in words if sum((Counter(child)&Counter(x)).values()) == len(child)-1])
t += 1
def solution(routes):
routes = sorted(routes, key=lambda x: x[1])
last_camera = -30000
answer = 0
for route in routes:
if last_camera < route[0]:
answer += 1
last_camera = route[1]
return answer
def solution(triangle):
for i in range(len(triangle) -1 ) :
triangle[i+1][0] += triangle[i][0]
triangle[i+1][-1] += triangle[i][-1]
for i in range(2, len(triangle)) :
for j in range(1, len(triangle[i]) -1) :
triangle[i][j] += max(triangle[i-1][j-1], triangle[i-1][j])
return max(triangle[-1])
def ancestor(node, parents):
if parents[node] == -1:
return node
return ancestor(parents[node], parents)
def solution(n, costs):
answer = 0
costs.sort(key = lambda x : x[2])
parents = [-1]*n
bridges = 0
while bridges < n-1 :
v1, v2, cost = costs.pop(0)
if (next_v1 := ancestor(v1, parents)) != ancestor(v2, parents):
answer += cost
parents[next_v1] = v2
bridges += 1
return answer
import heapq
def solution(jobs):
n = len(jobs)
answer = 0
cur, cost = jobs.pop(0)
ready_que = [[cost, cur]]
while ready_que :
cost, arrive = heapq.heappop(ready_que)
cur += cost
while jobs and jobs[0][0] <= cur :
arrive_, cost_ = jobs.pop(0)
heapq.heappush(ready_que, [cost_, arrive_])
answer += cur - arrive
if jobs and not ready_que :
cur, cost = jobs.pop(0)
ready_que = [[cost, cur]]
return answer // n
from collections import defaultdict
def solution(n, edge):
graph = defaultdict(list)
for v1, v2 in edge :
visited = [0, 1] + [0]*(len(graph)-1) # 0๋ฒ index๋ ๋ฒ๋ฆฌ๊ณ 1๋ฒ index๋ถํฐ ๋ฐฉ๋ฌธ ํ์ธ
que = graph[1]
depth = 0
while que :
for _ in range(len(que)) :
child = que.pop(0)
if not visited[child] :
visited[child] = depth + 1
depth += 1
return visited.count(depth-1)
def solution(a):
answer = 2
l_min = a[0]
r_min = a[-1]
for i in range(1, len(a)-1) :
if l_min > a[i] :
answer += 1
l_min = a[i]
if r_min > a[len(a)-1-i] :
answer += 1
r_min = a[len(a)-1-i]
return answer -1 if l_min == r_min else answer
import datetime
def solution(lines):
time_interval = []
answer = 0
for line in lines :
date, end_time, take_time = line.split(' ')
end = datetime.datetime.strptime(date+' '+end_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
start = end - datetime.timedelta(seconds = float(take_time[:-1])-0.001)
time_interval.append((start.timestamp(), end.timestamp()+0.999))
for time_ in [log for start_to_end in time_interval for log in start_to_end]:
cnt = 0
for start, end in time_interval:
if start <= time_ <= end :
cnt += 1
answer = max(answer, cnt)
return answer