Haribo ML, AI, MATH, Algorithm

쿠키 구입

풀이 참고

from itertools import accumulate,combinations
def solution(cookie):
    acc = set(accumulate([0] + cookie))
    answer = [abs(x - y) // 2 for x, y in combinations(acc, 2) if (m := x + y) % 2 == 0 and m // 2 in acc]
    return max(answer, default=0)


쿠키 갯수의 누적합만 구해준다면 수식만으로 답을 풀 수 있다.

from itertools import accumulate,combinations
def solution(cookie):
    acc = set(accumulate([0] + cookie))
    answer = [abs(x - y) // 2 for x, y in combinations(acc, 2) if (m := x + y) % 2 == 0 and m // 2 in acc]
    return max(answer, default=0)

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